Welcome to all passangers! Read carefully, enjoying with my mind!

Selamat datang di blog saya. Apakah anda pernah merasakan manisnya jatuh cinta? Di saat anda merasakan perasaan seperti itulah, anda harus bersiap diri untuk merasakan kepahitannya.

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

When Your Dream Comes True

Hihihi.... I want to tell my stories, so mid-February I get interesting information from one twitter account that often retweeted any events in Jogja. The information that I can get from this account is like culture exchange program to South Korea, obviously I want to try follow the program. I got this information a week before the deadline comes. So I should as soon as possible to collect the necessary requirements.

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

I Just Met With F**king Seller

Yo wassap men~ Sebelum nge-absurd nih, gue pengen cerita pengalaman paling pait gue. Ini kejadiannya kurang lebih empat jam yang lalu. Jadi gue lagi asik nih nonton reply 1994, tiba-tiba aja si mbak ini manggil gue. Yah gue kira telepon rumah gue lagi berdering eh ternyata ada tamu. Yap gue kedatangan tam tidak diundang. Of course, tamu tidak diundang atau kalau boleh aku sebut tamu biadab dan brengsek.